Call to Action: How Can I Help?
Above all, take time to rest, process the information you read, and care for your loved ones. As of this writing, we have nearly four years of Trump’s presidency ahead. Feelings of anxiety, helplessness, frustration, and fear are completely understandable, but constantly doom-scrolling can be detrimental to your well-being.
Below are some ideas and suggestions for practicing self-care.
Connect with Friends, Family, and Like-Minded Communities
Do not consume all of this information alone. Isolation can lead to depression and anxiety. Instead, discuss what you are reading with people you trust. This could include friends, family, or even a therapist. The most important thing is to ensure that you are not facing this alone.
Set a Designated Time for News Consumption
Constantly refreshing the news to stay updated can harm your mental health. Remember that media organizations thrive on engagement and want you to keep clicking. Instead, choose a specific time of day to consume news. Set aside a period for reading updates, but also plan something afterward that brings you peace or joy—such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, listening to your favorite music, reading a book, or spending time with a pet.
By controlling when you engage with the news, you reclaim your power while staying informed on your own terms. Ending your news time with something enjoyable or relaxing helps you compartmentalize and prevents the Trump administration’s actions from consuming more of your mental energy than necessary.
Contact Your Lawmakers
Whether you live in a Republican or Democratic district, calling your representatives to express your concerns is crucial. You elect them to represent you, and while you may not have the financial influence of corporations, a high volume of calls and emails lets them know that their constituents care about specific issues. Even if your senators and representatives are not Republican, your outreach can still guide their focus and priorities.
Every U.S. citizen has two state senators who represent their state and one House representative who represents their district.
You can call or email your representatives. If your call goes unanswered, be sure to leave a voicemail.
Engage Locally
While contacting your senators and House representatives is important, many other elections and offices directly impact your daily life. State legislators, city council members, mayors, and governors all make decisions that affect your community. Attending local meetings, contacting these officials, and staying involved at the state and city levels can have an even greater impact.
Research your local government’s website to find out when meetings are held and how to get involved.
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